Outside In Share Art

During 2012 I had a breakdown and in 2014 I had been on the waiting list to receive Psychotherapy for 18 months. I had previously attended Art Psychotherapy back in 1990 which had really helped me in my recovery, so I scoured the internet searching for art organisations for people like me. I was quite desperate at this time and needed to connect with the outside world. This is when I came across Outside In. I tried to set up an online gallery with them however, I was somewhat overwhelmed and put it on hold.

Last year I received CBT for a diagnoses of Complex post - traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) and when it came to an end, I decided to reconnect with Outside In.

They are an amazing organisation who provide artists like me, who encounter significant barriers to the art world due to health, disability, social circumstance, or isolation, with a variety of trainings and opportunities to submit artwork for exhibitions.

I was given the opportunity to participate with two member artists Kaya Nikita and David Puttick in their Share Art event. Enjoy and feel free to share the presentation.

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